Hi ***FIRST_NAME***,

Ka Hiko Akonga Work Experience

You all will have met the six Akonga that trained with us through November. They joined us from Ka Hiko, a program designed to support people into the workforce. The candidates in this program are either (or both) of Tuwharetoa and Ngati Tahu descent and are all in the final phase of their Pre-Trade Certification. This was an important stage for these Akonga as it intended to introduce them to the workplace environment as it relates to the theoretical education which they already received. You should all be proud for having been involved in such a vital stage in their education and futures.

A big welcome to our new team members!

We are very excited to have Johnny, Cody and Julio join us on site! You may know that Julio joined us from Auckland to become our Leading Hand. With all of the valuable experience he brings to the team, we cannot wait to see what we all achieve together!
Welcome to you all!


Christmas Shut Down

It’s getting to be that time of year again and it’s just as important to us as it is to you that we all get a Happy Holiday Break without any need to worry about leave. So this year keep in mind that all leave applications are due by 5pm at the latest on Thursday December 9th. The dates you should be applying for are as following:

Brian, Julio, Cody and Johnny: Your last day of work for 2021 will be Thursday December 23rd at 12pm (so an extra note that your timesheets on this day are due by 1pm). You will need to apply for leave from Friday 24th Dec-Tuesday 4th Jan.

Everyone else: Your last day of work for 2021 will be Wednesday December 22nd. Please apply for leave from Thursday 23rd Dec-Tuesday 4th Jan.

At this stage, you can assume Wednesday 5th January will have a 7am start, but we will confirm at a later date as Naylor Love will often have restart activities such as RAT testing and resigning of JSEA's.

All questions and enquiries about leave applications must be directed to Cherie before the due date (Thursday 9th December).

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What Robbie has been up to!

As all of you know, Robbie was unfortunately stuck in lockdown during Level 3 and was unable to travel out of Hamilton for a while. This gave him the opportunity to make strides in different areas, even though he wasn't able to be on site. During that time, not only did Robbie complete a refresher course in First Aid, he also received a scholarship from Site Safe. This scholarship means he will be working towards a qualification in Health and Safety. We are very proud that Robbie's hard work over his time with Dellta, which has allowed him this opportunity and we are happy to have him back on site!


Site Docs

At this point everyone should have come to know SiteDocs fairly well - afterall we have been using it every day! One of the most exciting things about SiteDocs is that it is ever-changing and evolving with more features and improvements based on customer suggestions. And just like all of our other Health and Safety practices, it is important to us that you are all involved. So if you happen across any problems, any forms that you feel could be improved or simply have any suggestions for how SiteDocs could be working - as the people onsite, using it every day - we would love to hear them! Likewise if you would like an instruction manual on how to use anything or if you're simply having trouble navigating the app.
Contact Devan via Facebook messenger, Instagram at @DelltaContractors or email admin@dellta.co.nz for all things SiteDocs related!


Christmas Function

We hope you are all as excited for this year's Christmas Function as we are! It's a great opportunity for some team bonding and seems like a great adventure! So a reminder to RSVP to admin@dellta.co.nz before Thursday December 9th! Both the activity we have planned and the dinner have to be confirmed, so unfortunately there will be no room for exceptions for people who don't RSVP.


We regularly service regions throughout New Zealand and Australia. Over the last decade, we have obtained extensive experience in large infrastructure and roading projects.

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