Experienced in silo foundations and factory work, with an extensive knowledge and experience in Precast prefabrication.
Current and/or previous contract experience includes:
- Culverts for the Spark North East Link Design & Construct Joint Venture
- Planks and columns for the Western Australian Government Armadale Line Upgrade Project
- Retaining walls for the Western Australian Government Armadale Line Upgrade Project
- L Beams for the Western Australian Government Armadale Line Upgrade Project
- Culverts for Narrabri to North Star Inland Rail
- L Beams for the Victorian Government railroad elimination project
- Super Tees for the Western Roads Upgrade (Victoria)
- Lattey Civil Piles
- Holcim Silo Piles (Wellington and New Plymouth)
- Waikato Expressway - Hamilton East Projects precast components
- Tilt Up Waterfront Panels
- Hynds Culverts
- Whirokino Super Tees
- Peka Peka to Okaki (PP2O) Super Tees
- Transmission Gully Motu Bridge Super Tees
- Transmission Gully Tawa Longitudinal Insitu chamber reinforcing
- Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Crossheads
- Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Super Tees
- Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Precast barriers
- Elizabeth Quay (Western Australia)
- Stahlton Precast
- HEB Precast
- Stresscrete Precast
- Preco Precast (Western Australia)
- Permacast (Western Australia)
- Gorgon Manholes (Western Australia - mining)
- Georgiou Precast (Western Australia - Wheatstone Project)
- Precast Caissons, Varanus Island Facility (Western Australia
- Gateway Piles (Victoria University Extension)
- Rutherford Piles (Victoria University Extension)